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About Me

My name is James Hong, I am a ECE major and I am a foreign student from Brazil.

Name Pronunciation

"James" should be straightforward. "Hong"... I guess it kinda is too. Just pronounce it as if it were a English word. The stress is on the "o". Maybe a phonetic comparison with "James Bond" will help...

Grand Challenges for Engineering page

Favourite MATLAB demo

The "Game of Life" demo is my favourite. I like how that very basic approach to a computational problem (i.e life simulation) ended up having way more complex consequences and gave rise to advanced studies about the game's behavior. Strangely enough, I find it somewhat similar to the Mandelbrot fractal, a highly complex figure generated from a very simple equation. Also, I find it very interesting that the "glider" ended up being adopted as a hacker culture symbol and that the game itself is a simulation of a Turing complete machine.